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Lifeguard Training (Ages 15 and up)


Participants acquire the knowledge and skills needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies. The course content and activities prepare participants to recognize and respond quickly and effectively to emergencies and prevent drownings and injuries.



-Minimum age of 15.

-Swim 300 yards continuously using only freestyle and breaststroke.

-Starting in the water, swim 20 yards using front crawl or breaststroke, surface dive 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10 pound object, return to the surface, swim 20 yards back to the starting point with the object and exit the water without using a ladder or steps within 1 minute and 40 seconds.

-Treading water without using arms for 2 minutes.


Certificate Requirement

-Attend all class sessions.

-Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities.

-Demonstrate competency in the 3 final skill scenarios.

-Correctly answer at least 80 percent of the questions in the three sections of the final written exam.


Certificate Issued and Validity Period

-Lifeguarding/First Aid: 2 yearsCPR/AED for Lifeguards: 2 years

Other Information

-Participants must bring a sack lunch to class daily.

-Participants will be getting into the pool each day of class, come prepared. 

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