Facility Passes/Descriptions below
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Purchase/Renew pass:
120-day pass (Lap Swim/Rec Swim/Water Walking)
15-Group Excercise/Water Aerobics (not Lap/rec/Water Walking)
15-Pass (Lap Swim/Rec Swim/Water Walking)
-->Manage your Activenet account here<--
We are accepting Credit Card/Check- No Cash
Pool Schedule Updates
Hello AAC Community,
As of November 2022, our staffing is doing quite a bit better.
Evening staffing is great with the help of the high schoolers.
Weekends are almost trouble-free, but on certain days, we do not have backup Senior Staff which is required to operate.
On weekday mornings we are also doing better, but again we don't have 100% back up staffing.
Thank you for all your suggestions and comments.
We hope to continue to build our staff to be 100% stable!
Aquatics Director