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Frequently Asked Questions

Is your facility year-round?

Yes-we have swim lessons and various other programs that run rain or shine. 

Occasionally we do close due to extreme weather:

-Thunder/lightning/extreme rain (inability to see the bottom of the pool) or air quality 

-If our Air Quality Index is 150+ for 30 minutes or more, we will close the facility  using the following sources: BAAQMD,  Purple Air, AirNow.Gov and AirNow Fire map

-Power Outage: PGE map.

Do you have swim lessons, swim team, or camps?

Yes, we do!  Please click HERE for swim lessons and HERE for the swim team and HERE for camps.

Can I share my swim pass with a friend?

Unfortunately not.  Your swim pass is for you.  We encourage all to get a pass which holds a discount and it means you do not have to bring money each time you swim.  

Are the pools indoor or outdoor?

We have a 6-lane indoor pool heated to 84-86 degrees and a 10-lane outdoor pool heated to 78-80 degrees.


How many laps are in a mile?
There are 1760 yards in a mile. Swimming a mile is 70.4 lengths of the pool, or about 71 lengths.


Do I need to be a member?
No, we are a public pool operated by the Albany Unified School District.  All our programs are available to the public on a fee basis.  

Do you have showering supplies in the locker room?

Yes, we have hair and body shampoo for use in the locker rooms.

What types of chemicals are in the water?
In order to keep the water sanitary and safe, plus adhere to health regulations, we use sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine), plus hydrochloric acid, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), carbon dioxide and calcium chloride. At times additional chemicals may be used in order to insure the proper chemical balance in the water.  Fun fact "Salt Pools" are actually Chlorine pools, notice how we use SODIUM hypochlorite.  Sometimes when a person's eye burn, it has a relation to the PH or more of the time Combined Chlorine in the pool where there is no source to blow away the combined chlorine.  If you have questions about possible allergic reactions to any of these chemicals, please contact your healthcare professional.


Are my belongings safe at the Aquatic Center?
There are many different people and groups that use the Aquatic Center on a regular basis. You should never bring anything of value to the Aquatic Center.  We do have lockers that you can use for a quarter. However, most people bring their items to their lane or on the bleachers.

How old do you have to be to participate in Fitness Swim such as Lap Swim, Water Aerobics or Water Walking?
For Fitness/Lap Swim, participants must be 8 years or older (see below for more age info).

For Water Aerobics/Water Walking, participants must be 14 years old.

How old must my child be to enter the facility alone?

Children age 7 and under must be accompanied by an adult in the water at all times.

For ages 8-13, an adult needs to be in the facility at all times.

Ages 14+ can come to the facility alone.

A child may accompany a sibling over the age of 14 only if they have both passed the swim test.

Do you sell items at your facility?

Yes!  We have a vending machine that sells healthy snacks and drinks.  It also has goggles for sale too.

If you need prescription goggles, try SwimOutlet or Sports Basement.

Can I teach my child or a friend at your pool?

Generally no.  You can practice what you have learned in lessons, but it should not be a full lesson.

You can sign up for Swim Lessons on our swim lessons page if you wish to learn to swim.

Link to pool rules.


Do you have a lost and found? 

Yes, we do!  It is located on the outdoor pool deck to the right as you exit the double doors.

More Questions?  Email/call below.

Contact us

1311 Portland Ave.

Albany, CA 94706

General/Lifeguard Questions:

Swim Lessons:

Camps/Water Polo:


Tel: (510) 559-6640

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