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Albany Aquatic Center

1311 Portland Ave. Albany, CA 94706

(510) 559-6640


Program Information;

1. No Refunds or Make Ups!

2. Signature of Disclaimer required.

3. Fill in all the information on the form. Incomplete and/or illegible forms will not be processed.

4. More than one participant may be listed on the form.

5. You may register for more than one session at a time.

6. Pre-registration for all classes is necessary. Enclose your check or charge card information, payable to Albany Unified School District.

7. Send or drop off completed registration for: Albany High School Aquatics Center, 1311 Portland Avenue, Albany, CA 94706.

8. Confirmations/receipts will be mailed or emailed once your registration is completely processed. Please check them for accuracy.

9. All transfers must be made a minimum of five days prior to the first class meeting. After this time no credits are issued other than for classes cancelled by the District.

10. If placed on a waiting list, you may not attend the class unless you are notified that a space is available.

11. We reserve the right to cancel any sessions due to low enrollment. If a class is cancelled you will have the option to receive a full refund or transfer into another class.

12. Any lesson cancelled due to environmental factors (air quality, weather) will not be refunded or made-up.

13. Any lesson cancelled due to staffing, pool maintenance issues or other internal issues will receive a credit to the Activenet account.

14. We reserve the right to hold lessons in either pool.

15. You will not be allowed to enter the facility until it is time for your lesson to begin. We ask that you and/or your child are dressed and ready to enter the water before arriving at the facility. Once your lesson has ended, we ask that everyone exit the pool area and facility as quickly as possible. Swimming is for participants their lesson/class only. Participants must leave the pool when class ends.

16.  Same instructors are not guaranteed, however we will do our best to keep the instructors consistent.

Disclaimer: I realize that there is an inherent risk of injury when participating in these classes or recreational activities (Activities), which include conditions that are inherently dangerous. I understand and acknowledge that my participation in the Activities may put me at risk of injury, illness, or death. I specifically assume such risk of injury, illness, and death and agree to assume liability and responsibility for any and all potential risks which may be associated with participation in such activities. I understand that the Albany Unified School District does not carry medical accident insurance for injuries sustained in its programs and I therefore assume the risk of any injuries arising out of or in connection with participation in said classes or activities. In the event of any emergency, I authorize the school officials to secure from any licensed hospital, physician, and/or medical personnel any treatment deemed necessary for immediate care and agree that I will be responsible for payment of all services rendered. I agree to comply with any and all Albany Aquatic Center 1311 Portland Ave. Albany, CA 94706 (510) 559-6640 lawful instructions given by District and Aquatic Center staff. I agree that I will comply with all relevant federal, state, and local laws, and with District policies, including the Aquatic Center Rules. I agree that if at any time I believe there to be an unsafe condition at the Aquatic Center, I will immediately notify a District or Aquatic Center staff member. I hereby voluntarily release, waive, and relinquish any and all demands, claims, and causes of actions against the District, and all employees, officers, administrators, board, board members, volunteers, and agents acting in their capacity as representatives of the District, which may hereafter arise for accident, damage, illness, injury and/or death arising from or in connection with my participation in the Activities, whether the same shall arise by my or the District's negligence or by any other cause. This voluntary release and waiver shall include any and all demands, claims, and causes of action that arise as a result of my coming to or from the Aquatic Center. This Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the County of Alameda and the State of California. I further voluntarily agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the District, its employees, officers, administrators, board, board members, volunteers, and agents from any claims, causes of action, losses, and/or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees and costs, for any accident, damage, illness, injury, and/or death arising from any of my action(s) or inaction(s) relating to the Activities.  I hereby grant and convey unto the District the right to freely reproduce and/or circulate any photographs or other recordings of me during my participation in the Activities for any lawful purpose. I agree that I shall not be entitled to any compensation therefore, including, but not limited to, any royalties, proceeds, or other benefits derived from such photographs or recordings. I have read and fully understand the agreement above, assume all risk for any injuries sustained and consent to emergency medical treatment. I also have read and agree to abide by the registration/refund policies published by the Albany Adult School program as well as a copy of the Aquatic Center Rules. In the event that the participant in the Activities is a minor, the above consent must be agreed upon and signed by the minor's parent or guardian.



1311, avenue Portland

Albany, Californie 94706

Tél : (510) 559-6640

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