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Hello Albany Aquatic Center Community,

In October the Board of Education met with the Director and decided to adjust pool fees.  You can see the new effective fees 01/01/2023.

Drop in:

4 and under: $4

5-17: $5

18-64: $7.50

65+, Disabled/Veteran: $6

Group Excercise: $11


15-Use Pass:

R = Resident of AlbanyNR = Non-resident

4 and Under: $45R/$55NR

5-17: $50R/$65NR

18-64: $90R/$105NR

65+: $70R/80NR


14-64 Group Excercise:


Senior/Disabled/Veteran Group Excercise:


If you have any questions, you can email here:

संपर्क करें

1311 पोर्टलैंड एवेन्यू।

अल्बानी, सीए 94706


दूरभाष: (510) 559-6640

हमें लगता है
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